Tuesday, January 11, 2005



# Startup script for the Subversion's SVNSERVE
# chkconfig: - 85 15
# description: Subversion is an excellent VCS.
# processname: svnserve
# pidfile: /var/run/subversion.pid
# config: /etc/subversion.conf or /etc/subversion/config ?
# Author: Dejan Lekic, dejan@nu6.org, http://dejan.lekic.org
# Version: 1.0
# Modification:
# 2005.1.11 by Wan-rong Jih

# Source function library.
# . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# This will prevent initlog from swallowing up a pass-phrase prompt.

# Path to the svnserve binary.


start() {
echo -n $
"Starting $svnserve_exec: "
echo -n $"Executing $svnserve_prog -d -T -r $svnserve_repo"
su -l $svnserve_user -c $"$svnserve_prog -d -T -r $svnserve_repo"
$RETVAL = 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/subversion
`/sbin/pidof svnserve` > $svnserve_pidf
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $
"Stopping $prog: "
killproc $svnserve_exec
$RETVAL = 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/subversion $svnserve_pidf

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n $
"Reloading $svnserve_exec: "
killproc $svnserve_exec -HUP
if [ -f
$svnserve_pidf ] ; then
echo $
"Usage: $prog {start|stop|restart|reload|condrestart|status}"
exit 1


Monday, January 10, 2005

Display Chinese characters in Samba client

The Chinese characters can not show properly on Samba client. This problem is caused by the Samba 3.0 (or later version) do not support the parameter code page. Insert the following lines into the smb.conf:
  • unix charset = big5
  • dos charset = big5
It work properly now!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

the very near future schedule

  • MAM05 Jan. 24 due
  • HP model
  • Computing commonsense
  • AI final project

Time\Weekday Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
10:00 - 12:00 lab matters
translation paper]
translation paper translation paper
[lab matters]
translation paper
[TA jobs]
translation paper
[TA jobs]
12:10 - 15:00
translation paper
[lab matters]
[lab matters]
research TA jobs
AI (R101)
[TA jobs]
15:10 - 17:00 paper writing paper writing
research AI (R101) research
[TA jobs]
17:10 - 20:00
paper writing paper writing bioinformatics
AI (R101)
TA jobs
paper writing
20:10 - 22:00 exercise paper writing TA jobs
[TA jobs]
paper writing [exercise]

Monday, January 03, 2005

bibtex tools


JabRef is a graphical frontend to manage BibTeX databases, the standard LaTeX bibliography reference format. JabRef is build to be platform independant (requires Java >= 1.4.2). It merges and extends the functionalities of BibKeeper (Morten O. Alver) and JBibtexManager (Nizar Batada).


  • Advanced BibTeX editor Detailed edition of bibtex entries.
  • Search functions Search a pattern in the whole bibliography.
  • Classification of entries You can group entries by keywords or any other fields.
  • Support importation of various formats BibTex, Endnote (text), ISI Web of Science, Medline/Pubmed (xml), Scifinder format, OVID, INSPEC, Biblioscape, JStor and RIS.
  • Support different export formats HTML, Docbook, BibTeXML.
  • Customization of BibTeX fields You can add your own fields to any BibTeX entry type.
  • Customization of the JabRef interface Fonts, displayed fields, etc
  • Integrates to your environment Launch external applications: PDF/PS viewers, web browser, insert citations into LyX, Kile and WinEdt
  • Automatic Key generationSearch
  • Medline and Citeseer

Windows Installation

Method 1: Mouse click way

Now we have the .msi install file. If java is not installed it issues a complaint. This simply installs Jabref and a shortcut in the start menu.

Method 2: Batch file way

First try to simply double-click the JabRef.jar file - this works on some systems. If JabRef does not start immediately (i.e. Windows does not know what to do with a .jar file), proceed like this:

In the directory where you placed JabRef.jar, create a batchfile "jabref-start.bat":

start javaw -jar JabRef.jar
Double-click on the batchfile to start JabRef.


BibORB is a tool to manage bibliographies recorded in BibTeX format using a simple Web browser.

It allows to display and navigate through a bibliography and give instant access to electronic releases of papers if available. It is a front-end to BibTeX and it provides an interface for edition or modification purpose. BibORB also provides some classification method using additional BibTeX fields ("groups","website","longnotes"...), and search engines (over authors, keywords, titles ...).

It has been designed to be used both on a local machine or through a local network. Then, people may access bibliographies and recorded papers through their web browser and update stored information. Authentication is supported to restrict access.

To run BibORB you need:
  • any web server (tested with Apache),
  • PHP >= 4.0.3 with XSLT modules loaded,
  • PHP Pear module.

yabib - Yet Another BibTeX Tool

yabib is a tool to organize your collection of publications with BibTeX.

If you do scientific work, normally you have a huge number of publications to handle.

To cite them in your work you need BibTeX entries for them, but if you have publications as files on your computer you can do much more with these meta informations.

Most of your files have more or less "intelligent names" like 0123456789.pdf (especially if you downloaded them from IEEEXplore), so what to do?

  • Rename them? (So you will loose the link to the original filename and probably download the same file once again.)

  • Copy all of them into your specific project directory?
    (So the files are lost in your directory tree.)

  • Put all in the same directory? (So you'll end up with a mess of several hundred files.)

yabib is a program to help you to clean up your paper collection. It uses the .bib file format as an input format and creates a clearly arranged html file where all meta informations are visible and your collected publications are linked.

Therefor the BibTeX format was completed with the fields filename and location.

filename is the (unique) filename of your file (e.g. filename = {0123456789.pdf}) without any path. yabib will use this informations to locate your file in directory trees you specify.

location is a field that should be used for the location of publications that are only available in printed form (e.g. filename = {my bookshelf at home} or filename = {library in xyz building}).